Education & Advice

Living with Incontinence

Living with Incontinence

Authored By David Wilson

Living with Incontinence

Having incontinence should not stop you living an active healthy lifestyle. Here are some simple tips to get started on your active lifestyle living with incontinence.


Make sure you drink water

It is very important, even when suffering from incontinence that you drink enough water every day. Dehydration can cause other issues that may affect you health.


Create an exercise plan

Exercise and body movement is a great way to get active and make you feel better. Find exercise that works with your incontinence issues and get s you moving.


Maintain or reduce body weight

Reducing body weight is a simple way to reduce pressure on your body and assist with  incontinence issues, it is also better for your overall health.


Create a daily schedule

Plan each day ahead, when you will drink, bathroom stops and how long you can travel. Give yourself clear timelines and make your daily life manageable and enjoyable.


Use the best incontinence products available

Make sure you have the best incontinence products available to help with any leaks or issues and not stop you daily activities.


Reduce caffeine and alcohol

By reducing the consumption of alcohol and caffeine (both diuretics) will stimulate the bladder, so best to avoid.


Work with your Doctor

It is important to work with your Doctor to determine the cause of the incontinence and also find the best treatment.


For more infomation about the Types of incontinence and Causes of Incontinence.

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